Wednesday, September 24, 2008

reality of human nature

The Great Equalizer

People set different goals but how many did achieve it;
And from those who have ambitions how many reach success;
In the midst of the bewildering world and different faces of life;
Why some have gloomy hope?,and spend life in wrecked world;

Wealthy people bluffed the poor,Wise men mocked the fool;
It is unfair and yes!terrible absurd,where can we find fairness?
Justice purchased with gold and rights exchanged with foods;
In the field of game and influence power those weak one are the losers;

Toil hard for lust and worldly happiness making one self a god of others;
Who pretend to be the strongest but in fact he is a rotten flesh;
He laugh when other cries and he was envy when other find joy;
As he go to sleep his nightmare is when he dream someone achieve success;

Alas! When comes to the rushing end not all wealth can prevent it;
Not all power and influence can acquired it;
All people who succumb to its power;
This Death the great equalizer....

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